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There are no restrictions on travel to Zika infected areas advised by WHO and other agencies, apart from that for pregnant women and women intending to become pregnant.

Zika is transmitted primarily by mosquito bites, but can also be transmitted through sex.

Prevention of sexual transmission

The WHO recommends practicing safe sex or abstinence to prevent Zika infection.

On returning home travellers should continue practicing safe sex for 8 weeks if they have no symptoms, to protect their partners.

Men should continue to practice safe sex or abstain for at least 6 months if they experience Zika symptoms (rash, fever, arthralgia, myalgia or conjunctivitis).

These recommendations were updated in June 2016. As more is discovered about Zika these may change, therefore check the travel advice pages of health agencies for the latest updates:

Other travel health precautions

While Zika has taken the headlines for since January this year, it is important not to forget other health precautions. The World Health Organization (WHO) advises travellers to also consider vaccination for a number of diseases, depending on places visited: hepatitis A, hepatitis B, Typhoid fever, rabies (negligible risk in cities), yellow fever.

WHO also recommends taking preventive measures against mosquito-borne diseases — which are carried by the same mosquito species — in addition to yellow fever, including chikungunya, for which there is no vaccine, and dengue, for which vaccination is not recommended for travellers.

For more detailed travel advice see:

Insect-borne diseases

Insect-borne diseases pose immense health & economic threats

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