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Rats are well known to spread disease, damage property and contaminate food and animal feed. If they are able to gain entry into your home or business area, they can introduce other unwelcome parasites like fleas, lice and ticks.
Acting upon the first sign of a suspected problem can help to drastically reduce the length of time needed to effectively control an infestation. Rats are able to breed quickly and have the potential to develop into a serious issue if left unmanaged.
Call Rentokil PCI today for advice and to schedule a rat inspection of your home or business or contact us now.
As nocturnal creatures, rats are most active between dusk and dawn and usually hide from humans during the day. It is often easier to spot signs of a problem, rather than the actual pest.
It is extremely serious if rats are getting into your home even if they are not entering a direct living area. Any rat problem inside the home must be treated urgently. Rats in the garden and other external areas can also be high risk, particularly in areas used by children or pets. Large rat species such as Bandicoot rats can also damage plants with extensive burrowing activities.
It is important to get rid of rats in the garden to reduce the risk of them trying to enter the home. Special care is needed for properties with integral garages or with dog or cat flaps as rats can use these to get into the home
At Rentokil PCI, our qualified local technicians are backed by global knowledge and innovation and are able to provide the most effective rat control services best suited to your problem.
We can also advise you on how to deter rats in the first place to avoid an infestation in your home or business.
Call Rentokil PCI today on 1800-212-212-5 to get rid of your rat problem. Alternatively you can drop us a message online.
Find out how Rentokil PCI can help
Tips to Prevent Rats