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Signs of grain beetle infestation

Grain beetles are so small that you may not notice a problem at first, but always look out for the following tell-tale signs that indicate grain beetles presence in your premises.

  • Damage — can be found on raw materials and foodstuffs. 
  • Live adult weevils — emerging and leaving visible exit holes in grains. 
  • Infected grain — will appear as damp, mouldy and even grain germination when it is warmer. 
  • Floury dust — created as adults move from one food source to the next. 
  • Moulded goods — insects such as flour and grain beetles can cause discoloration of goods and make them prone to moulding.

Call Rentokil PCI today for advice and to schedule an inspection of your home or business or contact us now.


Have you spotted any of these signs?

If you are worried about grain beetles, a professional service can help to get rid of these stored pests effectively.

Rentokil pest experts approach provides rigorous protection for your property:

  • We offer a Free Consultation to assess the source of attraction, breeding site, level of infestation, and to identify the fly species.
  • Our professionally trained technicians - can help advise you the most effective, targeted fly control solutions tailored to your requirements.
  • Safe and targeted treatments — our extensive knowledge means we can provide you with targeted and effective treatment to get rid of grain beetles at your business property.
  • Protection — we offer advice on practical measures based on the ERDM approach that you can easily action to minimise the risk of grain beetles infestation in the future.

Call us at 1800-212-212-5 to know more. Alternatively, contact us online for a fast and effective service.

Grain beetles facts

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