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By using or contributing to the Blog you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions of use and those contained in our legal statement.

*Unless otherwise specified, references in these terms of use to the Rentokil Initial Group, means Rentokil Initial and its group of companies.

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In order to use or contribute to a Blog you may be required to provide certain personal details to the Rentokil Initial (M) Sdn Bhd. You agree to provide accurate, current and complete information about you in response to any request for such information. Personal details provided to the Rentokil Initial (M) Sdn Bhd will be used only in accordance with our privacy policy. Please read this carefully before proceeding. By providing your personal details to us you are consenting to the use of these personal details in accordance with our privacy policy. If you require any further information regarding our data protection policy please address your enquiry to [email protected].


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Some of the content/material posted on the Blog is submitted by third parties unconnected with the Rentokil Initial Group and by third parties over whom the Rentokil Initial (M) Sdn Bhd has no control (“Contributors”). The Rentokil Initial Group does not endorse any Contributor material or any opinion, recommendation or advice expressed therein and the Rentokil Initial Group expressly disclaims any and all liability in connection with Contributor material.

The Rentokil Initial (M) Sdn Bhd cannot guarantee the accuracy, integrity or quality of any material submitted by a Contributor. You must bear all risks associated with your use of the Blog.

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  • engage in any activity which restricts or inhibits access to or use of the Blog by any other user.

General information purposes only

Rentokil Initial (M) Sdn Bhd employees will contribute material to the Blog in order to stimulate discussions and in order to ensure the smooth running of the Blog. The information contained on this Blog is not comprehensive and is provided for general information purposes only.

Information may not be up to date or applicable to the circumstances of any particular case. You should not substitute any advice contained on this Blog for specific professional advice relating to your personal circumstances.

The Rentokil Initial (M) Sdn Bhd cannot accept any liability whatsoever for any inaccuracies or omissions on this Blog and any decisions you make based on information contained on this Blog are your sole responsibility.

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The Rentokil Initial (M) Sdn Bhd reserves the right (which it may exercise without prior notice and at its sole discretion):

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  • to edit or otherwise amend any material which you submit to the Blog;
  • to delete any material which you submit to the Blog;
  • to terminate your access to and use of the Blog.