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Stay Safe from Mosquito Menace

New Delhi: The World Health Organization places mosquitoes among the top threats to public health, especially in developing countries. Research shows that mosquitoes are responsible for 830,000 human deaths annually. Controlling mosquito-transmitted diseases must therefore be a priority, requiring government supervision, but also the involvement of civil society, the private sector and participation of the general public. Keeping that in mind, Rentokil PCI unveils a one-of-its-kind Anti-Mosquito Racquet under its Consumer Products Brand - PCI.

What makes it unique:

The “Made in India” racquet is Conformitè Europëenne (CE) certified and comes with a 6 months warranty. It comes with UV light mode allowing you to kill mosquitoes in the dark and can cover a larger area. The batteries are also BIS certified and the racquet’s internal battery management system prevents them from overheating. Last but not least, its ABS body makes it robust and durable.

Some guidelines to adhere to while using PCI’s Anti-Mosquito Racquet:

  • Before using the anti-mosquito racquet for the first time, please charge the battery for 3 to 4 hours
  • Always hold the device from the handle
  • Shake the device to clean off dead mosquitoes stuck in the net
  • Soft, long hair brushes can be used for cleaning as well

David Lewis, MD of Rentokil PCI said: “The festive season is upon us. But it also means the arrival of unwelcome insects such as houseflies, dung flies and mosquitos that can spread disease through food and surfaces. The Anti-Mosquito Racquet will assist in dealing with these insects.”

The Anti-Mosquito Racquet will be available at a store near you in the coming weeks. For more information, contact Rentokil PCI on 1800-212-212-5.

The Rentokil PCI teams are highly trained and have over 65 years of experience. With a nationwide presence, Rentokil PCI ensures adherence to the highest standards of safety compliance and regulations - thereby Protecting Your World from the harms of pests. Consumers across India can expect 100% safe, trusted, and effective products and services for their premises.

About Rentokil PCI

Rentokil PCI is a leading pest control service provider in India. A Rentokil Initial brand, Rentokil PCI was formed in 2017 through a joint venture (JV) between Pest Control India, a leading pest control company in India, and Rentokil, the world’s leading pest control brand. Rentokil PCI aims to set new standards for customer service, having operations across 300 locations in India. Rentokil PCI also focuses on developing industry-leading service operations through the sharing of best practices, innovations and the use of digital technologies.
PCI is the products brand within the Rentokil PCI umbrella that consists of a wide range of consumer, environment care, health care and agricultural products of superior quality for residences and businesses in India.